
Сборники тезисовЭкономика и гуманитарные наукиИностранный язык как средство современного научного и профессионального общения

Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, 2016.

Quadcopter development and build

УДК: 378.16


Over the last years multirotor copters gained high popularity amongst hobbyists, enthusiasts and photographers. From the educational point of view, multirotor copters are a very good project to connect theory and practise especially for mechatronic students. In course of my studies at ITMO University (as an exchange student) it was convenient for me to go ahead and start my own quadcopter build from the scratch.


Busse Christian


Куприянов Дмитрий Владимирович

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