
Сборники тезисовЭкономика и гуманитарные наукиИностранный язык как средство современного научного и профессионального общения

Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, 2015.

Development of recommendation system for participation in volunteer activities

УДК: 681.5


Recommendation system provides the user ability to find interesting objects (movies, music, books, news, web sites) in accordance with his interests and activities. This work aims at creating a hybrid system,which includes collaborative and content-based filtering and generates a list of volunteer activities for users. It uses information about events, projects (description, characteristics), user (user profile). Recommendations are also based on users with similar profiles.


Зленко Андрей Николаевич, Степанищева Алёна Алексеевна


Петрова Ольга Дмитриевна

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